Marla Rosenthal

The Funniest Texting Fails on the Web
Let’s face it, we’re living in an increasingly digital world. Even toddlers are walking around with Instagram on their smart phones. In theory this should make us the communication generation. But we’re not. Check out these great texting fails for proof!

Here Comes ‘South Park’s’ Take on Honey Boo Boo!
It used to be said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We're not sure if this constitutes flattery, but it would seem that these days that animation is the truest form of notoriety. Observe!
This week, the hilarious masterminds over at 'South Park' took on cultural phenomenon Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and her mother June.

5 Impressions Seth MacFarlane Will Likely Do at the Oscars
Ever since Eddie Murphy pulled out of hosting duties for the 2013 Academy Awards telecast, there has been a bunch of speculation regarding who was going to step up and run the show. Today rumors were put to rest when it was announced that 'Family Guy' creator Seth MacFarlane was taking the prized spot.

Here Comes the Season Finale Recap of ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’!
Honey Boo Boo, put down that clump of grass! On this week's special one-hour season finale of 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,' the family poses for a portrait, Chickadee goes into labor, Alana participates in the Miss Sparkle and Shine pageant and everyone kills a swarm of hungry gnats! Let's get into it!

Facebook Creates Anti-Stalk Technology, Takes All the Fun Out of Facebook
These days, everyone and their grandmother and pet hamster have Facebook. And most people would agree that the best use for the social networking site is passive stalkage of exes, frenemies and coworker crushes. So naturally, those fun killers at Facebook have decided to shut that business down.
Fraggles, PSY and More Best Videos of the Week
What a week it's been for the internet! We've been treated to a rapping president, a girl taking grocery store entertainment to the next level, and slam poetry about our favorite meat candy, bacon! Let's get to it!

Newly Divorced Woman Launches Wedding Ring Into Space
In the wake of a failed marriage there are many questions. While, "what should I do with my wedding band?" probably isn't atop the "post matrimony to-do list", it's still a loaded question. Recent divorcee Rebecca Gibbs, an uber-creative New Zealander faced with that very question, decided to take matters into her own hands and launch the symbol of her failed marriage into spac