Right now the State of Maine is sitting on $292,698,797.00 in unclaimed funds! This is not a slush fund of department budget but actual money that has been matched to a Mainer but, has been unclaimed by said Mainer.
the infamous "Flying Santa" began. On December 25, 1929 he loaded his plane with packages of newspapers, coffee, candy etc and flew over the lighthouses dropping off the packages right from his plane.
Imagine cleaning out an empty house and finding an heirloom treasure that knocks you off of your feet. Well, it happened and it happened locally. Find out here what is it was!
Labor workers were needed in the 1800s which brought many single women to work in Lewiston from Canada and surrounding areas. They lived in Boarding Houses under the watchful eye of a stern director while gathering enough money to obtain a dowry for their future husbands. Find out which building they lived in!
As the coronavirus pandemic continues we will also continue seeing events and festivals cancel over concerns of public health and safety. This also goes for outdoor events, so if you're headed out to visit Downeast Scenic Railroad for their Touch a Train event, there have been some big changes...