“Alternative” Swear Words To Learn Before Summer Break
Let's be honest, swearing, although frowned upon by most, feels really good sometimes.
For many of us, spouting off at the mouth helps relieve a little stress when we're frustrated.

But there are some instances where that's just not the most appropriate thing to do, like when there are kids around.
And for many parents in Maine, with summer vacation starting in just about 2 weeks, the kids will be around way more often.
The funny thing about kids being around way more often is that this can lead to parents needing to express themselves with wat more exclamation than usual.
To help you model discretion in front of the tiny parrots you helped create, rather than spout off spice for all the neighborhood to hear, we've compiled a list of some popular "alternative" swear words. This way, if your lovely littles decide to repeat any of these examples, neither of you will get into trouble!
Feel free to use these in those instances when your children seem to be right underfoot. We hope they'll help relieve some of that pent-up P.O. that you feel.
Now that you've got some tools to help you keep your mouth a little cleaner this summer, here are some ways you can keep the fun that summer friction against hot skin can bring!
A Few Ways to Get Rid of The Dreaded Summer 'Chub Rub'
Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder
And to keep you from cursing when your nose bleeds this summer, here are some ways to prevent that from happening at all!