Neil Patrick Harris Won’t Host Any More Awards Shows Anytime Soon
Neil Patrick Harris has been the go-to awards show host for a while now, but with four Tony Award gigs and two Emmy Awards ceremonies under his belt, the song and dance man is ready to take a break from the hosting gig for a while.
As he explained on Twitter:
Sounds like he took comedian Jimmy Kimmel's advice during what many referred to as the Weird Emmys, despite the fact that it was the highest rated airing of the show since 2005 when it was hosted by Ellen DeGeneres.
As Kimmel joked at the time, "Can I just give you a smidge of advice? Just look around and take it all in, enjoy every second of this, because there's a really good chance they won't ask you back next year. Just something to think about."
You hear that Ellen? Sounds like you're gonna be the go-to gal from now on.