Time to look at New Hampshire through the eyes of a newcomer! What do we do differently that people from elsewhere think is weird? The answer is...A LOT OF THINGS.
The 4th of July is back, and everyone in Maine is ready to enjoy the celebration!
With a decent forecast across the state and a day off from work, we are all ready to go out and be with friends and family, have a day of sun, BBQ, and games, then head out and enjoy a beautiful evening of fun & fireworks
With the holiday landing on a Thursday this year, many people will not have the option of a
Bruce Chase, City of Augusta Recreation Director, joined the Moose Morning Show to talk about the annual 'Capitol City Riverfront 4th of July' celebration!
As we get ready to celebrate Independence Day on Tuesday, July 4th, there is lots going on around central Maine and the entire state. And who doesn't love a 4th of July parade?
Here in Maine, we are lucky to have an abundance of small town (and larger town) parades...
What's more American than being towed behind a lobster boat while you chug beer and shoot fireworks all while waving Old Glory? I can't think of much.
These lobstermen took a break from bringing up the delicious lobsters to celebrate America in true Maine fashion...