In honor of the cause, we've compiled the best Ice Bucket Challenge videos submitted so far by your favorite movie stars and directors into one nifty supercut. So, watch, enjoy, and don't forget to donate to The ALS Association, if you haven't already.
As the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge charity drive starts to wind down, there are only a few celebrities left who haven't yet gotten in on the action. A lot of those are ones who are very busy on the very top secret 'Star Wars: Episode 7' set. But, as the challenges continue to pour in, the 'Episode 7' cast has started to do their part, by dumping freezing buckets of ice water on their head.
For anyone who's been thinking, I'm so sick of seeing all these stupid ice-bucket challenges, here's an important, hilarious and touching reminder of why the whole campaign started in the first place.
When 'Guardians of the Galaxy' star Chris Pratt filmed his acceptance of the ALS Ice Challenge, we all thought he had beat the internet. Blue Ice vodka? Smirnoff Ice? Genius! However, that was until the great and playful Benedict Cumberbatch stepped up to the plate and filmed the greatest response to this viral phenomenon to date.
We've put them all together! The Moose guys all accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge...and we all decided to do it a little differently!
Find out more and donate here!
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is going around. I'm sure you have seen many videos of people dumping ice water over their heads. Yes funny videos but let's not forget it is to raise awareness and money towards ridding the world of this crippling and horribly debilitating disease. I've been nominated.
I might have tried to weasel my way out of the challenge had someone else put me up to it, but Evan has my heart. I couldn't let him down. Plus, it's a good lesson for him to learn, giving to others, even if it means doing something silly and something you really don't want to do.
In a recent pizza competition in Italy, the winner of the world’s best pizza came out of Melbourne, Australia. The winner of the title of World's Best went to Chef Johnny Di Francesco the owner of a restaurant called 400 Gradi.