Not only are they excellent places to expand your knowledge of people, places, events, cultures, and objects of the past and present, but there's truly something out there for everyone.
Like places like Bar Harbor and Camden get all the press, a small coastal town with plenty of charm and character has been named the most underrated in Maine
LoveExploring scoured the nation and listed off their picks for the 50 best family-friendly attractions in the country, including a Portland, Maine, museum.
Enjoy miles of trails spread over 140 acres on Big Bear Mountain, where you can wander the park for free and look at over 100 sculptures from 40+ countries.
During July, Gorham's Corner got a facelift that will improve traffic flow and introduce some colorful scenery to enjoy while waiting for the light to turn green.
Now that the City Council has given the green light, the work can be done to set up the installation, which folks could see go up as soon as the end of the month.
Hunter Law shows us what Maine's Wildlife looks like through an entirely different lens. His depiction of the creatures and unique style will take you to a place of raw appreciation.