Another Vehicle Hits Infamous Yellow Walmart Pole in Auburn MaineAnother Vehicle Hits Infamous Yellow Walmart Pole in Auburn MaineAfter a year of no one hitting the infamous yellow pole at the Auburn, Maine, Walmart, the streak is over. Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Maine Isn’t The Only State With A Cursed Walmart PoleMaine Isn’t The Only State With A Cursed Walmart PoleLooks like we have some competition!KidKid
Truck Backs Into What Looks Like a Mini Auburn Walmart PoleTruck Backs Into What Looks Like a Mini Auburn Walmart PoleI saw the truck/pole collision in a parking lot on Free Street, between Brown and Center Street in Portland,Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Have You Seen the Mini Documentary on the Infamous Auburn Walmart Pole?Have You Seen the Mini Documentary on the Infamous Auburn Walmart Pole?Maybe the Auburn Walmart pole is one of the seven wonders of the world.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
The Auburn Walmart Pole is So Famous, People Are Taking Photos with It.The Auburn Walmart Pole is So Famous, People Are Taking Photos with It.Pretty soon, Walmart in Auburn will need a door man and velvet ropes instead of a flashy stop sign and concrete barriers.Jason StewartJason Stewart
Seriously, a New Pole is Being Hit at the Auburn, Maine, WalmartSeriously, a New Pole is Being Hit at the Auburn, Maine, WalmartIt happened, there is a new pole cars want to hit at the Auburn, ME, Walmart. ChantelChantel
15 Hilarious Reactions to the Walmart Pole in Auburn, Maine15 Hilarious Reactions to the Walmart Pole in Auburn, MaineMainers share some funny responses about the yellow pole at Walmart that keeps getting hit. ChantelChantel