If there was a record for the number of times a store was robbed over the course of a ten year span, it's likely that the Augusta, Maine Big Apple would come in first place.
According to the Augusta Police Department, several area buildings in Augusta's historic downtown district were the subject of blatant vandalism on Thursday night.
According to the Kennebec Journal, the city of Augusta, Maine is looking to create a program that closely mirror's Waterville's Operation HOPE, which stands for Heroin Opiate Prevention Effort. As states and municipalities around the country face an ongoing battle with opioids, substance abuse and overdoses, Maine continues to be one of the hardest hit when it comes to substance abuse and overdose
I've never really considered myself much of a 'bad boy', but that all changed this morning for me. It turns out I'm a bit of a rebel, a culprit, a fugitive, an offender.. a hooligan if you will.
You see, when it comes to things that I want to do with my day, driving over to the Maine Department of Motor Vehicles and taking a number to wait to renew my driver's license isn't high on the list...