When it comes to April Fool's Day people absolutely love to have fun. Well, everyone that is committing the pranks that is, not necessarily the ones on the receiving end.
We have received multiple reports from station listeners that the Augusta, Maine Target, located in the Augusta Crossing Mall, has been completely evacuated of customers and staff.
For the first time in my entire life, I was involved in an at-fault accident. It happened on Monday morning just after 10 AM at the intersection of Western Avenue and Memorial Circle (The Rotary).
The irony here is, if you listen to the Moose Morning Show enough, I'm always complaining about drivers on Augusta's rotaries and how ignorant some people can be...
We've received word that part of North Belfast Avenue (Route 3) has been shut down from the Weeks Mills Road up to Bolton Hill following an apparent early-morning car accident.
According to the Augusta Public Works Facebook Page, Augusta's Front Street parking lot will be closed from now (12/25/2020 5:54 PM) until further notice
It's super-tough work being a police officer right now. That's why, whenever we get the chance, we tip our hats to the fine law enforcement officers here in Central Maine.