According to the AP, the Maine House voted 85-60 to pass a bill limiting the cellphone use in vehicles, joining the Senate which voted last week in favor of the measure.
I'll admit, my opinion may be a little skewed. I live in a rural setting where neighbors target shoot with firearms as late as 9 or 10 at night. It doesn't bother me. Neither do Fireworks. But maybe I'm a rarity.
Here is another example of Government vs. the free will and choice of the people and private business. We all know trans fats are bad for you and most foods now no longer include them just by way of companies deciding on their own not to include them.
There is a new bill that would expand Maine's distracted driving laws by banning the use of hand-held cellphones while driving. To me, the surprising part was the bill had little opposition at a public hearing. The bill is written with a bunch of exemptions, like police. Maybe too many exemptions.
It will now be illegal to light up a cigarette while waiting for your kids to get on a bus in Augusta. That was the outcome of a vote Thursday night from the Augusta City Council. City Councilor Dan Emery proposed the change after he received an email from parents of two children affected by an adult smoking at their bus stop.