The Muddy 5K Obstacle Run in a partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation is coming to Maine for women to have fun, create memories, and be empowered.
Megan and Terri are best friends and Megan recently was diagnosed with a fast moving and invasive cancer. Now, Terri along with Megan's loved ones, are doing everything they can to help save her life.
I have a red ‘Hello Kitty’ scooter, gloves with butterflies and a pink helmet, I think I need the pink license plate to go along with my look. There is an effort underway to get 500 people signed up for the pink ribbon breast cancer awareness license plate.
Angelina Jolie, who is 37, announced she underwent a preventive double mastectomy. She made the decision after learning she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene, which sharply increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.