
Lots of Candy if You Know Peter Geiger’s (Farmers’ Almanac) Pass Code in Lewiston [Interview]
Lots of Candy if You Know Peter Geiger’s (Farmers’ Almanac) Pass Code in Lewiston [Interview]
Lots of Candy if You Know Peter Geiger’s (Farmers’ Almanac) Pass Code in Lewiston [Interview]
We go way back with Peter Geiger, editor of the Farmers' Almanac. Many years ago, he started giving out a secret pass code that would score kids more "big" candy. Now, he gives out so much that he has a candy delivery truck on standby for Halloween...
Tomorrow’s the Morning for Big Candy and the Secret Pass Code + Lots of Fun, Facts and Prizes with Pete Geiger in the Hiz-ouse
Tomorrow’s the Morning for Big Candy and the Secret Pass Code + Lots of Fun, Facts and Prizes with Pete Geiger in the Hiz-ouse
Tomorrow’s the Morning for Big Candy and the Secret Pass Code + Lots of Fun, Facts and Prizes with Pete Geiger in the Hiz-ouse
We're honored that the Moose Morning Show is the radio show that Peter Geiger from the Farmers' Almanac looks forward to all year long. It's the the show that, for many years, he's used to get the word out about the latest edition of his beloved almanac. It's also the morning he tells the world his secret pass code, which holds magic for anyone who loves candy!
Farmers’ Almanac Editor, Peter Geiger, Talks Up Halloween on News 13 as He Gets Ready for Friday’s Moose Morning Show [VIDEO]
Farmers’ Almanac Editor, Peter Geiger, Talks Up Halloween on News 13 as He Gets Ready for Friday’s Moose Morning Show [VIDEO]
Farmers’ Almanac Editor, Peter Geiger, Talks Up Halloween on News 13 as He Gets Ready for Friday’s Moose Morning Show [VIDEO]
Friday morning, Farmers' Almanac editor, Peter Geiger, will join us for our annual Halloween get-together, which is at least 16-years-old. Pete is a great guy and a lot of fun. He's also very generous. On Halloween night, if you go to his home on Brentwood Avenue in Lewiston, you'll get a KING SIZE candy bar. If you know the secret pass code (ONLY revealed on 92 Moose), you'll get THREE KING SIZE
Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
This year, some children in Fargo, North Dakota may get a bigger trick than treat when hitting the streets for trick-or-treating. That's because a woman in the city has decided to take a stand against childhood obesity, which on its face it's a noble effort. However, the method in which she is doing it is turning heads.
What’s Your Favorite Halloween Candy? — Survey of the Day
What’s Your Favorite Halloween Candy? — Survey of the Day
What’s Your Favorite Halloween Candy? — Survey of the Day
Whether you're trick-or-treating or preparing for trick-or-treaters, Halloween leaves most folks with an abundance of candy. While it can be difficult to resist any of these tooth-decay-promoting treats, some candy is better than others. According to a survey from Public Policy Polling of 1,200 adults chocolate bars are the Halloween sweet of choice for an overwhelming 62 percent.
10 Easy Ways to Make Candy Corn Awesome
10 Easy Ways to Make Candy Corn Awesome
10 Easy Ways to Make Candy Corn Awesome
There’s one single treat in the history of all candy deliciousness that makes us feel so torn. Candy corn -- we hate to love it and love to hate it. How is it possible it can taste so bad, yet be so irresistible? It’s a Halloween trick AND treat. (See what we did there?)

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