In 1983, an 11 year-old sent a Coke bottle into the ocean, only to be found a few hundred miles away decades later. Sounds like this will someday be a commercial.
Coke's awesome 'Share-a-Coke' bottles are back. It made me remember when I had one with my name on it, that I received as a gift 3 years ago. It's been in my office since. It got us wondering what it would taste like!
Remember the soda Surge? Well whether you do or not, it is making a comeback thanks to the voice of social media. The group calling themselves “Surge Movement,” consisting of about 128,000 members, pushed Coca-Cola to revive the drink after the soda company dumped it back in 2002.
I returned from vacation today to find a nice little present...a Coke bottle with my name on it. Of course, I know I'm not that special, but it's still pretty cool. You can have one, too!
Do you drink soda? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. U.S. soda sales are down. In 2013 sales of carbonated beverages fell by about 3%. There were more modest declines in 2011 and 2012 as well.
The thing I love most about being part of the Moose Morning Show is, just like a regular conversation, we switch subjects half a dozen times within the course of a couple minutes. Listeners, by the way, help with that. Listen to this array of topics!
Some have called it one of the most inspirational and patriotic commercials to air during the big game while others are saying it's anti-American, but we say that you should watch Coca-Cola's Super Bowl 2014 commercial and judge for yourself.