Maine's Stephen King has made cameo appearances in film and television nearly as many times as Stan Lee. Here are 10 movies at TV shows that King has made appearances in.
Staples had nailed it. The kids' expressions are perfect. The glee in the father's eyes as he nonchalantly tosses things into his cart was perfect. And that song!
There was a lot going on in Maine back in 1987. We had massive flooding, there was a major strike at the International Paper mill in Jay where about 1,200 employees walked out. The strike lasted over 2 months. A new snack was hitting the market...
Back in 1988 you could watch sit-coms, or a tv drama show right up until 6 o'clock when the news came on. Now some news broadcasts start at 4!
Let's take a look back at some WMTW-TV promos for afternoon television watching from 1988, the hair, the shoulder pads, and the old "You'll Love It' slogan from channel 8...
You probably saw the Skittles commercial during the Super Bowl featuring Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. Well, a portrait of Tyler made out of the colorful candy is up for auction.
This portrait, for sale on eBay, is a replica of the piece featured in the commercial...