It's no secret I love donuts. I have always heard the story of how the donut hole was invented by a sailor sticking fried dough on a ship's wheel. However, I never knew that helmsman was from Maine.
There's been a crime! A raccoon, who we'll call "Rocky," has been stealing donuts from a Toronto coffee shop and he's been caught on surveillance video. He'll be hard to find, though, because he was wearing a mask!
Have you heard about the new craze, the donut selfie! Well, this is my first attempt at one and I was on the air when I did it. It's not perfect. But can you give points for trying, okay? Thanks!!
I didn't have a kazoo to play at Dunkin Donuts' grand opening in Unity this morning. Good times, great people. Is it any wonder I love my job? While I was doing this, somewhere, a brain surgeon was doing his thing...similar only in the sense that it's how we both make a living.