It’s getting to be that time of year again where there will be celebrations, parties, food and alcohol. As a reminder to be careful this holiday season, I’m not going to use clichés like, “Think before you drink,” instead I'm embedding this video message.
This amazes me how a man can still have a valid driver's license with 10 Operating Under the Influence (OUI) (Drunk Driving) charges. Yes with his 11th OUI arrest his license has been revoked.
Beware, police are beefing up patrols for drunk drivers this holiday season. The story I'm referencing is out of Westbrook but still I'm sure statewide cops will out looking and waiting for people operating under the influence (OUI). Westbrook has added $10,000 to make the roads safer. There are only a few things I'm passionate about and one is curbing drunk driving.
The Kennebec County Sheriff's Office and the Gardiner Police Department have announced a new mobile text message tip service. 'KVTip' will allow anyone to anonymously send text tips about underage drinking and illegal sharing of alcohol and drugs.
Gov. LePage is urging motorists in Maine to drive safely to keep roads safe as New Year's Eve is upon us. Gov. LePage said 163 people have died on Maine roads this year, and that too many of those deaths were caused by distracted or drunken drivers.