Question 1 on the Nov. 4 ballot says: “Do you want to ban the use of bait, dogs or traps in bear hunting except to protect property, public safety or for research?” The topic has been controversial and has reached to the Maine Superior Court.
Maine citizens who are registered to vote may use this free service to request an absentee ballot for the November 4, 2014 General & Referendum Election. Ballots must be received no later than 8:00 pm on Election Day.
Election day is tomorrow. I pose a few of questions. Do celebrity endorsements influence your vote? I ask the other way as well, does a celebrity supporting a candidate or issue change how you feel about the celebrity and or artist? Lastly, do you think celebrities should just stick to entertaining?
Tuesday, November 6 is 'Election Day.' Voting is one of the most important rights and responsibilities that we, as U.S. citizens have. About 90 million American citizens, who are qualified to vote, won't. They give up on a chance to choose leaders and representatives who will do things that are important to them. Respect your right to vote! It's a privilege.