I’m a freshman in high school. After months of legal proceedings, the jury finally reaches a verdict in the O.J. Simpson case. For the only time in my four years of secondary education, everything stops. Several classes worth of kids pile into the only room on the hall with a cable television. The room is packed. Kids are literally sitting on each other's laps because there’s nowhere else for them to go. It gets quiet.
Public opinion has varied ever since North Carolina's governor signed into law a bill that blocked cities in that state from transgender individuals from using their choice of public bathrooms.
Wow! Think much of your self? Check out the video of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry just going off and throwing insults at a towing company employee.
The back-story is her car had been towed after she was eating out in Arlington, VA. She obviously was none to pleased to discover her vehicle was towed...
As Renee Nelson says, "those bass boats sure are pretty. All sparkley and shiny."
There are plenty to see today on Great Pond in beautiful Belgrade, according to Belgrade resident, Mike Roddy.
Can you imagine Bill Belichick letting Tom Brady do this?
Recently, Ron Burgundy (a.k.a. Will Ferrell) did a special shot for ESPN last month where he interviewed all-pro quarterback (and media hog) Peyton Manning.