Are you like me and buy Halloween candy and end up eating it before the 31st? I’m sure you are to a degree. After you’ve opened the bag to have one, the whole bag disappears within a day or so. Once it’s gone, then you have to go out and buy more just for ‘Trick or Treaters."
This being a rainy night and a ‘Throwback Thursday’ it might not be a bad night to hit the Redbox, Netflix or video store. It's a good night for a movie, so, what are your favorite classics? I use the term “classic” loosely, as my definition may not be the same as yours. Listed below are my all time top 10 movies.
One question I get a lot working in radio is, what is your favorite song? My response is always "do you mean currently or of all time." If the question is my all time favorite, that is easy, "November Rain" by Guns N' Roses.
I wrote earlier today about Van Halen's '1984' turning 30 today and how it is still one of my favorite albums of all time. I do have a few others and not all of them are metal or hard rock.