
Maine Consumes More Of This Alcohol Than Any Other State
Maine Consumes More Of This Alcohol Than Any Other State
Maine Consumes More Of This Alcohol Than Any Other State
We're number one! Fireball is fast becoming the Moxie of alcoholic beverages. With a Cinnamon flavored "whiskey" taste, it is hugely polarizing, with some gulping it down with glee, or others preferring to drink the winter anti-freeze in their vehicles...
Fireball Whisky Releasing Crierball to Football Rivals
Fireball Whisky Releasing Crierball to Football Rivals
Fireball Whisky Releasing Crierball to Football Rivals
This is both beautiful and a disaster at the same time, it's a beautiful disaster. Fireball cinnamon whisky, which is actually made in Canada yet bottled out of Lewiston, Maine has figured out how to let die-hard football fans drink real tears of their enemies.
Maine Wedding Gown For Sale With Special Fireball Bottle Pouch
Maine Wedding Gown For Sale With Special Fireball Bottle Pouch
Maine Wedding Gown For Sale With Special Fireball Bottle Pouch
Our friends at the Maine As F*ck Facebook page have done it again. They've discovered another incredible example of the funny unique style displayed only here in this great state. If you're not following them yet, you really should. There's always great stuff there that only us locals will understand.