I know what you're thinking. "We can't have an indoor graduation, we'll all get the 'rona!" Well, don't fret, graduation is going to be held in the parking lot
Pierce Kempkes, from the Gardiner Area High School Drama Club, joined the Moose Morning Show, to let us know about their new production, 'The Good Doctor!'
Thanks to Melanie Mansir, Deanna Plaisted and Tyler Quirion from Gardiner Area High School for joining us on the Moose Morning Show. We talked about the GAHS presentation of 'The Mouse That Roared!'
Meg Gipson, art teacher at Gardiner Area High School, is spearheading the 'Cinderella Project' for central Maine. She joined us today (April 13) on the Moose Morning Show.
This Saturday (April 16) the 'Cinderella Project' will give away free prom dresses from 9am to 2pm at Gardiner Area High School...