Hey, Grandma, I can relate. If I happen to see a box with just one doughnut left, I probably would grab it for myself too. Where we differ is I probably wouldn't apologize.
I'm not sure I would act much differently then this petrified grandma, behind the wheel of the new self-driving Tesla Model S. Heck, I'm a horrible passenger, always nervous when someone else is driving, let alone a computer!
Kevin Droniak has a YouTube channel where he has been filming his grandmother for the past couple of years and they are awesome! He calls her his BFF and you can tell why when you watch. She's comically oblivious and a treasure. I want her to be my grandma...
In this era when kids go to great lengths to get prom dates with celebs they ordinarily would never meet, it's kind of sweet to hear about one teen who got a date with someone much closer to him.
I was at the Manchester Lions Home and Garden Show last weekend. And found this! Onion Cucumber Relish from ‘Forgotten Recipes’ in Wiscasset. OK, the relish is delish but the story that went along with it, better.