
Waterville's Parade of Lights & Kringleville Have Been Cancelled
Waterville's Parade of Lights & Kringleville Have Been Cancelled
Waterville's Parade of Lights & Kringleville Have Been Cancelled
It really sucks (do you mind if I say sucks?) , that things all around Maine are being cancelled in the wake of a worldwide pandemic. But worry not, even though some of our most traditional events in the area are being cancelled for a year, organizers are working hard on replacement events so that the season doesn't have to go a full year without a little holiday fun...
Christmas Displays in Waterville and Winslow Start the Holiday Season Early! [Interviews]
Christmas Displays in Waterville and Winslow Start the Holiday Season Early! [Interviews]
Christmas Displays in Waterville and Winslow Start the Holiday Season Early! [Interviews]
The Sukeforth Family Festival of Trees happens the next two weekends (Friday through Sunday, 11/20, 21, 22 and 29, 30, 12/1) at the Hathaway Creative Center on Water Street in Waterville. Also, as a side note, there is a magnificent Christmas display at the Spalding residence on the China Road (Rt...
Judy Pancoast, ‘House On Christmas Street’ Singer, Coming to Augusta Saturday!
Judy Pancoast, ‘House On Christmas Street’ Singer, Coming to Augusta Saturday!
Judy Pancoast, ‘House On Christmas Street’ Singer, Coming to Augusta Saturday!
I LOVE The House on Christmas Street by Maine native and Grammy nominated children's artist, Judy Pancoast. She graduated from Waterville High School and now lives in New Hampshire. Thanks to local orthadontist, Darryl Zeleniak (Dr. Zee), a self-professed computerized holiday lighting geek, she'll be part of the Augusta Tree Lighting Celebration tomorrow evening!

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