It really sucks (do you mind if I say sucks?) , that things all around Maine are being cancelled in the wake of a worldwide pandemic. But worry not, even though some of our most traditional events in the area are being cancelled for a year, organizers are working hard on replacement events so that the season doesn't have to go a full year without a little holiday fun...
The Sukeforth Family Festival of Trees happens the next two weekends (Friday through Sunday, 11/20, 21, 22 and 29, 30, 12/1) at the Hathaway Creative Center on Water Street in Waterville.
Also, as a side note, there is a magnificent Christmas display at the Spalding residence on the China Road (Rt...
It is that season again, the time of year when we drive around and search out Christmas lights. In Augusta, Augusta Orthodontics (aka Dr. Zee) does an amazing display right on State St. and If you live in Auburn, a must see is a house on Vista Drive, which is off Court and Park Streets.
I LOVE The House on Christmas Street by Maine native and Grammy nominated children's artist, Judy Pancoast. She graduated from Waterville High School and now lives in New Hampshire. Thanks to local orthadontist, Darryl Zeleniak (Dr. Zee), a self-professed computerized holiday lighting geek, she'll be part of the Augusta Tree Lighting Celebration tomorrow evening!
When Tim, the plaza superintendent, stopped into the station yesterday, I thought to ask him about replacing the fluorescent tubes that had been out for over a year, leaving half the control room in the shadows. He replaced them, putting the room back to its original brightness!
Do your neighbors drive you crazy? Enough to take them to court? Well, that's what one Camden homeowner is doing to try and get his neighbor to turn down their outside lights.