The Holidays are stressful enough and sometimes you don't want to cook. Let's see which restaurants are open for you to go to on Christmas Day in Maine!
We had our very first experience at Hallowell's new Local Scoop ice cream stand. To say that it was a delightful experience would be an incredible understatement.
The name Lisa Wardwell is one that most Central Mainer's are familiar with. Behind her bubbly personality is a woman who knows her stuff in the restaurant industry.
What a great time we all had celebrating 30 years of 92 Moose with our listeners. It all started bright and early as we got set up to do the Moose Morning Show LIVE on location at Lisa's Restaurant on Bangor Street in Augusta.
Golf season is just around the corner in Maine and it's time to hone your putting skills. Starting this Saturday (MARCH 4th) and running for 6 weeks will be the 2nd annual Master the Putt event at Lisa's Restaurant on Bangor Street in Augusta...
'Love for the Locals' is a monthly event at Lisa's Restaurant & Catering, Bangor Street, Augusta. This month you can support Kristina Goranson and Zachary Marcotte. A month ago they were involved in a head on motorcycle accident due to the negligence and recklessness of another driver.
Last night (Feb. 26) Jon hosted the Kennebec Valley Chamber's Busines After Hours at Capitol Computers in Augusta. While there, Jonny was begging for more meatballs from Lisa's Restaurant, by asking for somebody to throw him one while he sang their commercial jingle. I guess there were no takers. I took him up on the offer, but there was so much to do to prepare.