Let me start by saying the Renee admittedly doesn't care for horror movies so she really doesn't have one that freaks her out more than the others. I on the other hand love a good horror flick. Frequently though I find myself thinking that they're all a dime a dozen...
It's not surprise that no one will ever agree on everything. That's why it's so much fun to scroll down through the comments and see all the different answers we got on today's Facebook question. The Moose Morning Show wanted to know what the worst movie you've ever seen is...
After spending a night in Framingham, Massachusetts and paying $175 for a night in a hotel, I can assure you Boston hotels are way above $297 a night at least for places you'd want to stay. I know this because back in March I tried to book a room in Boston, and the lowest I found in-town was about $400.
People love candy: The average American spends $84 on and consumes about 23.9 pounds of the sweet stuff each year. With all that money and attention, you'd think it would be hard for a candy product to fail. Not true. Many candy products come and go without much notice. Here are 10 variations of popular candies that many people don't realize ever existed.
Man is widely considered to be the deadliest animal on the planet, mostly because it's hard to match the killing power of our guns and nuclear bombs. Even so, there are plenty of lethal predators out there that are more than willing to take us on and, if fortune favors these creates in battle, rip a chunk out of our flesh, or even end our lives.