
There’s Nothing Like a Small Maine Fair to Make a Person Feel Good About Where They Are [Video]
There’s Nothing Like a Small Maine Fair to Make a Person Feel Good About Where They Are [Video]
There’s Nothing Like a Small Maine Fair to Make a Person Feel Good About Where They Are [Video]
"To be a program director at a major market radio station." That's the quote from The Quill, Gardiner High School's yearbook, that appears under my photo. Yup, my dream was to go run a radio station in Boston, New York or some such place. I didn't chase the dream. I made my dream happen here in Maine, a place I love and where I'm most comfortable.
Saturday, June 21st, 1980; A Day Jon James Remembers Little of and Thankfully So
Saturday, June 21st, 1980; A Day Jon James Remembers Little of and Thankfully So
Saturday, June 21st, 1980; A Day Jon James Remembers Little of and Thankfully So
"Would you still love me if I was ever in a car crash and disabled?" That's the question I remember asking my girlfriend, Tammy, as I dropped her off at her job at Robinson's Nursing Home in Gardiner on Saturday morning, 6/21/80, the first day of summer and a couple weeks after I had graduated high school. "Of course I would."

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