Two Mainers, One New Yorker, Charged After Major Drug Bust in Maine Motel RoomTwo Mainers, One New Yorker, Charged After Major Drug Bust in Maine Motel RoomMultiple people are in custody following a weeks-long investigation into drug trafficking in Downeast Maine.Matt JamesMatt James
Half a Pound of Deadly Fentanyl Seized, Multiple People Arrested in Substantial Maine Drug BustHalf a Pound of Deadly Fentanyl Seized, Multiple People Arrested in Substantial Maine Drug BustWGME says that Maine officials executed a search warrant at the home on Lee Road on WednesdayMatt JamesMatt James
Multiple Arrests Made in Massive Maine Drug SeizureMultiple Arrests Made in Massive Maine Drug SeizureFollowing the search, officials were able to recover 330 grams of fentanyl, 35 grams of cocaine, a 12-guage shotgun and $3,700 in cash.Matt JamesMatt James