Dive into the heartwarming narrative of Merriam the Beaver, a popular figure at Maine Wildlife Park, who underwent successful surgery at Gray Animal Center.
According to their website, the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray has a creative new solution to keeps kids entertained and educated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each year, thousands of Maine students from all around the state board giant yellow buses and head south (some go north) to Gray for an epic day of animal adventure with their fellow classmates and teachers...
If you are looking for a fun and different day with your kids before they go back to school, head to the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray this Friday and Saturday for the enchanted forests.
Where did the summer go? A blink of an eye and it's gone. The kids are back in school and I have all these regrets of things we didn't get to do. One item on our list was to go to the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray. We go every year, but had not made the trek this summer...at least not until today.
Saturday (6/21) is the first day of summer! In Grey, farmers and food vendors will help open the Maine Wildlife Park to the public for free, from 4pm to 8pm, to celebrate the summer season. During the Summer Solstice Farmers Market event people will also be welcome to walk the park grounds and gardens during the event...