If there is one thing I'm impatient about and quite honestly horrible at is cooking meals beyond Shake n' Bake, spaghetti and burgers on the grill. So for Day 8 in the line of November 'Thank Yous' I am thankful for a wife who likes to cook.
Better late than never I suppose. My November, ‘Thank You’ for day number seven is I am thankful for living in a fairly safe part of the country and for that matter the world. Little old Auburn, Maine may not be the most exciting or coolest place to be but I can pretty much go anywhere in town without looking over my shoulder for someone to mug me or worse.
Today is day 6 in my November 'Thank Yous.' There are still a number of days to be sincere, thoughtful and emotional but today, I am thanking coffee. That glorious hot beverage that starts my internal engine everyday. That special serum that makes me tick for without I'd be incoherent, irritable and possibly unresponsive.
Day 5: I'm thankful for a full time job with the best co-workers anyone could ask for. For example, today my wife was working and still is working at Auburn Hall as a warden for today's election. It wasn't a huge deal to bring my kids into work for a few hours.
Where it is now November and many are posting on a daily basis what they're thankful for I thought jump on board, albeit a little late but I suppose better late better late than never.