Tasha York is a wonderful person. That's a personal character reference. She's also a compassionate life-saving medical professional. I wouldn't have known that part if not for her amazing and successful efforts on New Years Eve at the Silver Street Tavern in Waterville.
At first, when we heard on the Moose Morning Show about Leonard Crocker, who is employed by Monmouth Public Works, we thought that the mysterious woman who showed up in a red mustang, and possibly saved his life, may have been an angel sent from above to perform this one task. Eventually, we found out that, while she was an angel, she is of this world..
Well, Saturday, my little girl Michelle (born the day I started at 92 Moose almost 23 years ago) graduated from the CMMC College of Nursing and Health Professions, wanting to follow in her mom's footsteps. Great school, great training. She almost didn’t go there, though.
What do you think? Please weigh in. Should this nurse have let this woman die? Apparently, some Maine healthcare facilities have rules that don't allow CNAs to perform CPR if there's not an RN present. Troubling?
This almost seems like a scene from a mad cap movie like Airplane and it might be funny if it wasn't so very sad. A nurse at a hospital near Columbus Ohio accidentally took a living donor's good kidney, which was packed in a protective slush, removed it from the operating room, took it to a dirty utility room, and flushed it down the hopper.