I thought it might be fun... and maybe a bit painful to take time travel back in the day to see just how much more us Mainers are forking over for essentials these days. Spoiler alert: It’s way more than we’d like.
It’s heating season again. Yes the oil prices are down so far this winter. I know it’s still fall but for sake of argument, we’ll call it winter where it is cold out. Win heating fuel.
Holy cow! $1000 worth of home heating fuel...whether it's oil, propane or pellets. You can use your $1000 for heating or plumbing service, too. Or toward a new stove or furnace, from M.A. Haskell Fuel in South China!
Two years ago this coming Sunday we moved into our house, first house. Up until then we were apartment dwellers. At this time in June of 2012, I was scared because the idea of being responsible for property seemed overwhelming.
It is unofficially the end of summer. We've shrunk wrapped the windows and put a bit of felt around the doors over the past few days and weeks but today, was the day I dreaded the most. Today I called for an oil delivery. Yup, we're at an 1/8 of a tank and had to bite the bullet as they say.
Last year was a mild winter, this winter has been colder and has seen much more snow. That means we are spending more to keep the house warm. Families in Maine that rely on heating assistance are receiving less assistance than last year, due in part to, the mild winter we had last year. That is causing a problem.
It's that time of the year. Well, I guess in Maine it is always that time of the year to think about heating our homes in the winter months. No matter how we do it, we all HAVE to do something. The state of Maine has a new website with calculators to help estimate heating cost, as well as information on other issues surrounding the whole subject of heating our homes.
I know, I know, it is still summer! But get this heating oil prices have gone UP this summer. Imagine my surprise. I know I really don't want to think about snow, cold and oil bills. But it's Maine. Cold weather is never too far away. The Governor's Office of Energy Independence put out its summer report yesterday. What do you do to deal with oil use and prices?