If you're up for the challenge, the Taste of Maine restaurant on Route 1 in Woolwich is serving up the world's largest lobster roll. Bring your appetite.
Gone will be the days of taking Commercial Street to get downtown from Bridge St. Water St will become a two-way street and ADA compliant in the near future.
Team Hallowell, led by Judy Hallowell, is giving you a chance to drive a ball over the Kennebec River in Augusta beginning on June 25th and win a brand new Mazda 6 from Paul Blouin's in Augusta!
When Michelle Peck answered the phone, I said "Hi, it's Jon and Renee from 92 Moose just calling to thank you for listening." Renee added, "we're just going down through a list." "By the way, we're sending you to San Diego to see One Direction in Concert!" I continued. After some muffled words, there were shrieks of excitement, mostly from Stacy, Michelle's daughter,
It's true. It was my first time and, like the old people always say, you'll NEVER forget the first time. Not only was Friday my first time but I shared it with a girl (woman) I went to high school with!