The ever-evolving Netflix model makes it difficult to discern viewer data, let alone interpret what tidbits the company confirms. That said, Netflix has been studying “binge racers” who finish seasons within twenty-four hours of their debut, and you might be surprised by the highs and lows.
It’s a brave new world for the 2017 Emmy awards with Game of Thrones and others sitting this year out. The big announcement is finally here, as presented by Veep star Anna Chlumsky and Criminal Minds veteran Shemar Moore, so let’s find out what we’re all angry about/celebrating this year at the Emmys!
It’s that time of the year again when we begin to take stock of the best TV of the year and put our heads together to predict who will take home the gold come awards night. On Thursday, the TV Academy will announce their selections for the 2017 Emmy Awards. We already know the usual suspects will pop up, from shoo-in Julia Louis-Dreyfus to Modern Family and House of Cards, but what about the new series and the underdogs?
Sesame Street is no stranger to parodying more mature series, even if the children watching have no concept of the show in question. We’d doubt if any kids have even heard of Orange Is the New Black, but there’s an odd charm to its wholesome Orange Is the New Snack makeover.
Surprised though we were to learn that Orange Is the New Black Season 5 would take place over a condensed timeline, our first extended look is even more urgent. Check back in on that finale cliffhanger with a new Season 5 clip, and see the first photos!
Netflix continually pulls at the thread of movie-TV distribution, between bottomless budgets for original series and ongoing movies and comedy specials, and may yet investigate a new avenue for content. Sources report that Netflix is toying with the idea of certain productions filming multiple outcomes, so as to allow viewers to choose their own stories.
Orange Is the New Black Season 4 left us on a more immediate cliffhanger than we’re used to, and it seems Season 5 won’t be losing that level of intensity. Star Danielle Brooks claims the whole of Season 5 will unfurl over just a few days; presumably picking up with the in-progress riot of Season 4.
Peak TV grows ever-more crowded in 2016, with hundreds of series competing from Westeros to Westworld, the streets of Harlem, underwater factories and everywhere in between. Join ScreenCrush TV critic Kevin Fitzpatrick to cut through all the clutter, and rank the very Best TV Shows of 2016!
It’s not quite a streaming service hooked up to your eyeballs, but if there’s one thing Netflix subscribers have clamored for, its the ability to watch TV and movies on occasions where internet connections aren’t explicitly available. So it is, that Netflix will now let viewers download its programs at no extra cost.
A few weeks back, bizarre news that Netflix’s Fuller House had viewership on par with The Walking Dead caught us by surprise, and it seems the Tanners may be unstoppable on the streaming service. That strange cell phone app analyzing viewership data by audio reveals Orange Is the New Black Season 4 came close, but Fuller House remains Netflix’s crown jewel.
Lest you think Netflix would ever cut you a break from its original programming, the ladies of Litchfield are already gearing up Orange is the New Black Season 4 promotion. Piper may not be the only one in trouble, however, according to the first new photos of the season.