Whether or not you have participated, it’s likely that you have been to the grocery store and witnessed someone devouring a can of Pringles, or something of the like. It’s one of those questions that always comes to mind when seeing it taking place: is it illegal to eat or drink something at the grocery store before you pay for it?
The State Compensation Commission has unanimously recommended in a report that was approved on Monday that the Maine Governor's salary should be nearly doubled.
Though this note, nor any, was left at the gas pump on January 7th, it very well could have.
Bill Exner, a retired miner, pulled up to a pump to put gas into his Jeep at Cumberland Farms on College Avenue in Waterville and, in the process, struck up a conversation with Maryann Stevens who was filling her van.
If you were to find $20 on the ground, what would you do? Don't feel bad if you said, "pocket it." Hey, twenty bucks is twenty bucks. That's a lot to an adult. To a kid, it's like winning the lottery. Well, watch what THIS little boy, Miles Eckert, did with $20 he found. It goes right along with our theme of late, "pay it forward."