It was another great day on the banks of the Damariscotta river as we broadcast live aboard the Miss Yankee Pride. It's a longstanding tradition in this coastal Maine town that each fall they celebrate giant pumpkins by decorating them, catapulting them and racing them around the river...
Buzz Pinkham is just a great guy and I love talking with him about Pumpkinfest in Damariscotta every year! From pumpkin drop from a 200 foot crane to the regatta with motorized gourds, this is a blast! Check out our chat with Buzz on the Moose Morning Show!
I got to hang with some really nice people today in Damariscotta. Don Carrigan from channel 6 (who is from that part of the state) and Buzz Pinkham, the creator of the event. That's some good company by anyone's standards, mista!
What a great an old fashioned barn party but with a modern feel as Nikki Hunt and her band opened up the evening with a long set of classics rock and some top 40 tunes!
Today will be a day of puttering around the house while Lynn is out at a craft fair helping her mother at her table. My goal this morning is to get the laundry and vacuuming done and if needed the upstairs bathroom as my son Justin had a friend sleep over. After all is finished I'll be catching the Patriots play the Saints and later at 8pm hopefully the Sox and Tigers in game #2 of the ALCS. I say
Here is Penelope. She started as a little seedling about the size of a thumb. Now, she is all grown up. In the pictures the young man is Jake. Jake is Jackie's son who was kind enough to let us see just how big Penelope has become.
A few weeks ago, Buzz Pinkham from Damariscotta Pumpkinfest, brought us a little baby pumpkin. This little one is the one that Jon agreed to grow. (Meaning, that Jon found someone to do the work for him.) That person is Jackie from Fastenal in the K-Mart Shopping Center in Augusta...
Thank you for joining the Moose for this year's Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & Regatta. We had a great time, and with Shipyard, gave away a trip to Mardi Gras to Amanda Musica.