I was going through my Facebook feed and saw that the place where I did my first paid live broadcast is closing down. Great Skates in Bangor will be closing in 2016.
I am starting a new video segment. It's going to be sort of an advice column but in video a forum. Like Dear Abby or Ann Landers but I'm just a DJ. I’ll just be using my life lessons, wisdom and humor if it is appropriate.
A couple of days ago I got a call from Maine Medical Center (MMC) reminding of a doctor's appointment for my daughter, Vikki. I told them on the call I would be there. I get there and overlooked an ultrasound that was part of the visit, which was slated in just before the appointment. Oops.
It was nice to have a job shadow in today. It's always exciting to have someone in who has interest in audio, radio, and or the production field. Brian McNaughton from Farmingdale was in the station today to learn about the industry.
I'm asked this question a lot, what are my favorite songs? I'll take this opportunity to think about them and list them. My favorites would be the songs I've have played hundreds and hundreds of times and still love, and they are...
Here is my ‘Throwback Thursday’ story for today. What started as a part-time radio gig back on this week 15 years ago is still going, and even better, I'm still enjoying it. Of course I now work full time with afternoons, but I do love this profession.
Here is my submission for 'Throwback Thursday' if that's still a thing. Over the years of doing radio, I've played thousands and thousands of songs and answered the phones who knows how many times. I've gotten everything from song requests to the deranged sounding to the silly prank calls and today I'll share a few experiences and give you a little look at what many of us on-air go through.
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Today is National Radio Day! Radio is the medium that is your friend in the car driving to or from work, the medium that can get local news out faster than any other and the medium that’s older than any other, except for print.
In Calgary, Canada there is AMP a Top 40 radio station which has decided on their own accord cut songs from their original length to run less than two minutes.