I only recently acquired a passport as until about 5 years ago you could travel between the U.S. and Canada with just using your license but things have since changed. I found a list of the world's most and least powerful passports. Guess where the U.S. ranks?
In a national study, Maine fell by four states in national ranking since last year when it comes to health. Last year, Maine came in 16th healthiest and this year we’re 20th.
This is one of these polls, surveys or list type things that could be considered a joke but interesting all the same. This "click through" shows every state's supposed largest deficiency. I think a few "worsts" are a stretch including to a degree Maine's distinction. See in what Maine is at it's worst.
Some people move to a town or city because of public school rankings. Usually, the so-called better schools are in more affluent areas where property values are higher and more tax dollars can be collected.
Here is a list of the 25 safest places to live in Maine. Eliot is the safest but there are 24 other towns and cities listed here and, no, my city isn’t on the list.