Stacyville, Maine, Fire Department Damaged by FireStacyville, Maine, Fire Department Damaged by FireThe Stacyville Fire Department has gone on many calls to put out fires, but this one was in their own fire station.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Central Maine Memorial Day Weekend Safety TipsCentral Maine Memorial Day Weekend Safety TipsNot only are these tips helpful for the upcoming holiday, but they're things that you should really be keeping in mind all summer long.Matt JamesMatt James
Plows Will be Out, Don't Be A MoronPlows Will be Out, Don't Be A MoronVisibility could be close to 0 at times and winds gusting to near 50 mph. That means travel could not only suck, it could be darn near impossible.Matt JamesMatt James
Here’s How To Safely Deep Fry A Turkey [VIDEO]Here’s How To Safely Deep Fry A Turkey [VIDEO]Don't burn your house down attempting to deep fry your turkey, follow these safety tips to ensure a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.Rob SteeleRob Steele
Power Outage Safety TipsPower Outage Safety TipsSince we have a wintry mix predicted this week, it might be a good time to refresh ourselves on some helpful hints in case your power goes out, thanks to the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes.92 Moose- Central Maine's #1 Hit Music Station92 Moose- Central Maine's #1 Hit Music Station