As your go-to resource for great deals, we'll help you sort through the upcoming 48 hours of competing deals from Amazon and Target. Who will win, you ask? We're confident that with our help, it will be YOU!
Prime Day is live! We've put together this page for all the great deals we discover throughout the sale. Be sure to check back since we'll be posting awesome deals as we find them!
Well, the .sucks domains are now open for registration, according to Inside Counsel and, after June 19th (the original date was today, May 29th), the average Joe will be able to buy them for whatever purpose they choose. Why the extension? All of the publicity has probably enabled the company selling these .sucks names the ability to make some bank.
There was never any parking. There were few private rooms. The tvs were, ughhhh, low definition. But, still, it's kind of bittersweet. At one time or another we've all either been in the ER, visited someone who was admitted or been admitted ourselves....
Augusta East Redevelopment Corporation, headed by developer Kevin Mattson, has purchased the current Maine General Medical Center property on Augusta's east side for $2.5 million. That's a wicked lotta dollars, huh?
My oldest Dylan, who is 13, is on the bubble for trick or treating. Instead of going out last night he along with Vikki, Justin and Justin's friend Jacob came to the 92 Moose Halloween Party. Dylan helped me, LJ and Casey at the costume contest booth...