
Get A Personalized Phone Call From Santa- Register Today!
Get A Personalized Phone Call From Santa- Register Today!
Get A Personalized Phone Call From Santa- Register Today!
According to a Facebook event put on by the Augusta Downtown Alliance and Augusta Parks and Recreation - Maine, Santa will be taking time out of his busy schedule to make some special phone calls. Calls from Santa will take place over two days, December 10th and December 21st...
UVM’s ‘Santa’s Other Workshop’ at Marketplace@Augusta
UVM’s ‘Santa’s Other Workshop’ at Marketplace@Augusta
UVM’s ‘Santa’s Other Workshop’ at Marketplace@Augusta
I ran into Santa recently.  The United Volunteers of Maine is hosting Santa's OTHER Workshop is located in between Regal Cinemas and Micheal's Crafts at the Marketplace@Augusta. Santa and his elves will be there Saturday and Sunday December 10th and 11th and then again December 17 and 18th from 10-4...

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