I'm not kidding when I tell you that even as I write this article at 5 AM on Tuesday morning under the bright lights of my office in Augusta, I could fall asleep right here
It looks like Mainer's are getting a good night's sleep. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released their first nationwide survey of sleeping habits of American adults. They break down the sleeping habits state by state.
The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep is the title of a new children's bedtime book written by a behavioral psychologist that taps into children's subconscious to make them fall asleep quickly. Some are saying this technique goes too far.
Renee and I talked about it this morning and played a little bit from the audio book THEN a different and MORE controversial way to get kids to sleep...
Sleep Apnea is hard on a person. Basically, you never dream because your breathing gets shallow and apnea causes you to, literally, stop breathing. That causes you to wake up, whether you're aware of it or not, and breath (or else you'll die).
I snore quite a bit. Marie Anne even says I stop breathing for short intervals. She would know. She's sometimes kept awake by my snoring. I suspect that those times I stop breathing might be "assisted breaks," if you catch my drift. Actually, I'm kidding. I do that with serious matters because it helps me keep a distance from the potential problem.
I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep. Heck, I get up at 3am every day, so it makes it a little tough. I try to go to bed at a reasonable hour, but I still usually end up getting about 4-5 hours a night. Even then, I wake up numerous times through the evening. So, my doctor wanted me to do a sleep study.
We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, so not being good at it is a drag. And according to a new survey from the Better Sleep Council, the best way to get a good night sleep may be to ditch the person you are sleeping next to.