We asked on Facebook to send a random picture of what you were looking at that moment and you did! It poses the question if we are sharing our lives too easily or not enough?
If you have been using the video social media platform TikTok for more than a few hours, you have probably noticed the videos in your feed come through in trends.
For example, the last few days, my feed has been loaded with younger Gen-Xers and older millenials talking about the way they part their hair...
I'm going to start this by saying that this is NOT political. I'm a conservative man and I would bet that 40% of the people I've removed have shared my political affiliation.
Last week I was in the studio here at work after the morning show had ended getting some extra work done before it was time to go home. Now it's not super-uncommon after we get off the air to hear from my wife via phone call, Facetime or text...