Yesterday, Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters, when asked what he thought of the president's speech Sunday night, went on a bit of a tirade on Fox Business. The outburst made some happy and upset others. Peters has been suspended for the outburst, which you can see here...
It happened in southern California. Michael Anderson, coach of the Arroyo Valley High girls basketball team, was suspended for beating their opponent, Bloomington High School, by a score of 161-2. The coach didn't even play any starters in the second half. Still, he faces accusations of mercilessly running up the score.
A school in North Carolina suspended a 5-year-old boy recently for making a gun shaped gesture while playing with others at recess. Really...has it come to this? Luckily, the dad got involved and, when the rule book was dusted off and pulled out, guess what? There was NO rule addressing the issue!