
Waterville YMCA Gymnasts Holding Spaghetti Fundraiser Saturday for Trip to Tampa [Audio]
Waterville YMCA Gymnasts Holding Spaghetti Fundraiser Saturday for Trip to Tampa [Audio]
Waterville YMCA Gymnasts Holding Spaghetti Fundraiser Saturday for Trip to Tampa [Audio]
These young ladies, among others, will join their coach, Carol for a trip to Tampa, Florida, later this year for some gymnastics competition. You can help them get there by attending a delicious spaghetti supper on Saturday, February 1st, at the Waterville Elks Lodge on Industrial Drive.
Look Out Tampa…Here Come The Idiots (No, Not the Politicians)
Look Out Tampa…Here Come The Idiots (No, Not the Politicians)
Look Out Tampa…Here Come The Idiots (No, Not the Politicians)
Free speech is our first amendment right...even if the group making the speech is about as controversial as they come.  Westboro Baptist Church out of Kansas, is notorious for protesting against gays at military funerals with all kinds of hateful, venomous language.  Now, they're off to Tampa Florida to protest at the Republican National Convention.