New Hampshire celebrates no sales tax by extending a deal to Mainers. A discount of 11%, double our sales tax rate! Find out how to take advantage here!
Nearly five thousand RI vehicles are registered in Maine despite not having residency here. Many at this one plot of land in Jefferson. How is this possible?
It should be an interesting selectmen's meeting in Anson tonight, July 28. They'll be meeting to discuss a letter from their auditor that says thay have a total exise tax shortfall of over $400,000.
According to a recent letter from auditor Purdy Powers & Co., m...
When I went to efile my taxes last night, TurboTax told me that, because of something on the form, my Maine taxes had to be mailed. At 6pm, there's no post office in China open and I wasn't about to go to Augusta so I mailed them this morning....the 16h, not the 15th...
Earlier today I was at the grocery store and the bagger asked me if I wanted "paper or plastic”. A once common question, now usually unless you specify that you want paper you’ll get plastic. I replied by saying "plastic" and then groceries went into three or four of those plastic bags.
Next summer we in Maine could have to pay 5.5% sales tax on things like admission to Funtown, ski lift tickets, movie theaters, spa treatments, Sea Dogs games and other entertainment. It will be an "amusement tax" if you will. A review board is looking over the issue and is still tweaking the list.