The state of Illinois has adopted a law that requires senior citizens to pass a driving exam to keep their license as they age. Should Maine do the same?
Maine has been the focus of a few movies. Also Maine has been the setting for a few TV shows including “Under the Dome” and “Murder She Wrote.” Let’s play a game, did the movie just take place in Maine or was it actually shot in Maine?
Sleep Apnea is hard on a person. Basically, you never dream because your breathing gets shallow and apnea causes you to, literally, stop breathing. That causes you to wake up, whether you're aware of it or not, and breath (or else you'll die).
Before we start, I will say I got 24 out of 30 on this test so it isn’t very easy unlike the 80s TV show test I posted last night. How well do you know $4 words? Are you an anglophile?
Here is a little fun thing to do. This all stuff you probably learned in social studies or civics class either in middle school or high school but how well do you remember the information?
What do you think, "Are you left or right brained?" I've heard the phrase, but was never quite sure what it meant. Thankfully, in the world on the internet we can take a test.