Everyone knows that vampires suck … your blood!!!! Seriously though, do you know the history behind modern vampire lore? These creatures of the night have been lurking around for a very long time, although the princes and princesses of darkness have taken on different guises and mythologies throughout the ages.
With 'Breaking Dawn -- Part 2' coming out this weekend, should you shell out $15 for a ticket, or just stay home and have a massive TiVo 'Vampire Diaries' party in your sweatpants? We support the latter decision. And not just because we love sweatpants...
Alicia Silverstone reuniting with her ‘Clueless’ director, Amy Heckerling, for a cheeky vampire comedy should be generating a fair amount of buzz. Perhaps now that the first official trailer for ‘Vamps’ has arrived online, people will begin talking the film up and anticipating its inevitable release?