So if you've been listening to our show, Matt & Lizzy in The Morning, for any stretch of time, you know that Lizzy tends to rope me into trying these ridiculous trends she finds on social media.
Everyone has their favorite Christmas movie(s), but which ones represent our New England states the most accurately? Here's what one New Hampshire TikTok user had to say.
When you're taking a concert video and singing along simultaneously, the recording always picks up your voice. Always. This often has hilarious results.
If you were listening to the Moose Morning Show earlier today (of course you were), then you heard me talking about a crazy video that came through my TikTok feed. Now this isn't the TikTok version, but it's the exact same video.
For the record, I don't do heights, and even watching videos of the 'slingshot ride' give me goosebumps and an elevated heartrate...
If you've been living under a rock then you may not know that Olivia Rodrigo's 'Drivers License' is literally the number one song in the entire world right now. The song first started getting popular on TikTok before becoming a radio sensation...
Let me first start by saying that this woman being struck by lightning is certainly not funny. I feel like I need to clarify that right out of the gate so the PC police don't call my corporate office and demand that I be fired for insensitivity...