Though this note, nor any, was left at the gas pump on January 7th, it very well could have.

Bill Exner, a retired miner, pulled up to a pump to put gas into his Jeep at Cumberland Farms on College Avenue in Waterville and, in the process, struck up a conversation with Maryann Stevens who was filling her van.

He jokingly told her that when she was done filling hers, she could fill his. Then he stepped inside to get coffee and a lottery ticket (on which he won a hundred bucks).

When he came out, he found that $30 worth of gas had been pumped and paid for.

Exner contacted the Morning Sentinal, which ran the story on Monday. That's when Stevens, a mom and student at KVCC, came forward.

Turns out that Maryann has made a habit out of doing these things. She likes to make people smile and says it gives her an opportunity to make connections with people she wouldn't otherwise get to. Even so, she had meant to remain anonymous about the gas until the story came out.

So on this, a "pay it forward Friday," whether it's at a counter or drive-through or anywhere else you feel a twinge of "kindness," make somebody's day. Pay if forward, then call and tell us what you did...and, if you wish, you can remain anonymous :-)

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